by Jamie Thurber | Jul 18, 2016 | Independent Woman, Inspiration, Self Reflection, Who I Am
The important things stuck. I look back on the girl I was 10 years ago and yes, there’s a lot of differences in who I am now and who I was then… but the things that really matter, are still there. *My heart is still the same. Yes, it’s tougher. Yes, it’s wiser.. But...
by Jamie Thurber | Jun 24, 2016 | Get Shit Done, Independent Woman, Productivity Hacks, Who I Am
So your work is busy and it’s chaotic. You hear what I say about NOT running around like a crazy person and NOT working 100 hours a week and YOU THINK I’M FULL OF SHIT. It’s okay. You can admit it. I ran a shop, hell… I ran 3 locations, at the same time!...
by Jamie Thurber | May 24, 2016 | How It Is., Independent Woman, Inspiration, Life Hacks
Big Magic — Screw Perfection. { Men: “Well, I’m 41 percent qualified for this task, so give me the job!” Yes, sometimes the results are ridiculous and disastrous, but sometimes, strangely enough, it works—a man who seems not ready for the task, not good enough...
by Jamie Thurber | Apr 25, 2016 | Health, Life Hacks, Travel
Planning when you’re the chick that never travels….. Traveling is something I’ve always wanted to do, yet has been something that I have done very little of in my life. Other than 100 trips to the lake which is only couple of hours away from home, I can count on...