Planning when you’re the chick that never travels…..

Traveling is something I’ve always wanted to do, yet has been something that I have done very little of in my life. Other than 100 trips to the lake which is only couple of hours away from home, I can count on both hands how many vacations I’ve taken in my 28 years.

At the beginning of 2016 I set high goals!
Goals to travel as much as possible and I’ve planned 5 trips for the year!

But then the home-body in me started to freak the hell out!
   Who’s going to take care of my house?
   What about the dogs?
   What about my fitness/nutrition?
   What about my BUSINESS?!?!
Blah blah blah, all of the stories crept in.

Luckily the boss-bitch in me threw all of that bullshit out the window and my planning skills went into hyper drive.

After all, “Ye who is prepared, shall not fear” right?

I embarked on my 3 week long travel journey this morning at 3am and I want to share with you the steps I took to prevent any anxiety or loose ends.


In reality, there are things you do everyday to “up keep” your house and keep it in nice, working order, right?   Here are some things i thought of before I said “See ya later!” to my homestead.

-Made sure the fridge doesn’t have anything that’s going to turn into a science project in it.

-All windows were closed up tight and locked.

-The porch lights were on and functioning.

-Ensured that my yard was going to be taken care of (cut, trimmed, etc.)

-Lined up someone would be able to come up to bring my mail in so it’s not overflowing, check on the house, and water the plants.

Furbabies & Fishies-

Most of the time, we don’t take our pets with us on vacations and business trips. BUT you still have to get a care plan in place for them when you’re leaving town!

-Lined up a puppy-sitter  Dogs

-Make sure they have a crate or dog bed or whatever your pooch needs to be comfy and stay out of trouble.

-Pack enough food for each dog as they take their trip over the river and through the woods, to grandma’s house they go!

-Don’t forget leashes, treats, and favorite toys.

Also, you can pick up self feeders to put in your fish tank while you’re gone. It’s designed to dissolve a little every day to keep the fish fed.


This is a HUGE factor for me. Typically the people I’m traveling with do not eat as much as I do, or don’t have such a strict diet so if I don’t plan ahead, shit gets ugly real quick and I wind up being miserable by day 2 of the trip. It’s No Bueno. But is totally avoidable. So if you’re used to eating 7-8 meals a day, this might also be helpful for you! 

(Side note: relying on supplements & protein bars is not the best practice or the ideal situation, BUT it’s better than eating junk or not eating at all)

-Purchase the “snack size” zip lock baggies and get to prepping!

-1 scoop of protein powder per zip lock. They lay flat and can be packed up nicely in your suitcase or carry on. AND you can throw them in your clutch during sight-seeing or conference meetings. When it’s your meal time, all you need is a bottle of water.  Rip the bottom corner off the baggie and use it as a funnel to put the powder in you drink and WA-LA!  

-Pack trail mix or nuts. (still portioned in the snack size zip locks) Something you know is a healthy snack and not packed with sugar. Some sustenance that you can bring with you throughout your trip and access easily.

-Quest bars! Praise Jesus, they are a life saver. They’re easy, low sugar, good quality protein and taste great. A great go – to when traveling to make sure you’re not missing a meal.

-Pack a shaker cup with what you need for travel day.  You can put a couple of the protein baggies, a quest bar, and a bag of trail mix. It’s TSA friendly, and takes up minimal space in your bag.

Blog Nutrition


A lot people take time off their fitness schedule when on vacation. This is actually counter productive to your mood, healthy and energy levels during your trip. Here are some tips to make sure you can stay active while you’re away

-Check to see if your hotel has a fitness center. Most do now and they a lot of them are actually stepping up their game due to the increased demand for this.

-Travel yoga mat. You can get a fold up yoga mat off amazon for less than $30 and do yoga where-ever you want!


-Google parks, trails, outdoor activities near you. This is a great chance to get active and it usually ends in a beautiful view or waterfall 🙂


Self Care-

It’s vacation, remember?!  Don’t let yourself get stuck in the hustle and bustle and forget to take care of you!

How to prevent that ?:

-I ALWAYS choose a hotel room with a bath tub. And bring my essential oils with me so I can have some relaxation time each night.
 Packing in a carry on? They have these tiny vials you can use for your oils! (purchase on Amazon!)  

Blog Essential Oils

-Bring your journal with you! You never know when the mood might strike and you might just be filled with inspiration and need to fuel your soul by brain dumping everything.

-Bring a “non-biz” book. Something you can sink into, something inspiring. Something that is fun to read.


If you’re an entrepreneur, chances are… you’re going to have to work on your vacation.  But how do you keep it from taking up your entire day. Create a plan!

-Move your schedule around to pick hours that work with the type of trip you’re taking.

-If you have a conference, figure out the times you will be in the conference and close off your schedule during those hours.

**Be mindful of time changes**

-FYI, if you use Google Calendar, you can adjust the time zone you are scheduling the appointment in. It will still show up on your schedule for the current time zone, but it automatically updates when you arrive in the new time zone.

This is how I schedule to avoid confusion.

-Ensure that you inform your clients that you will be out of town and your response time may be longer than normal.

-Plan ahead with your tasks you will perform while away.

        Example; If you have plane travel time, schedule what you can work on during that time frame to make the most of your time.

       Plan what you’re going to post and where on social media

       Plan who you’re going to reach out to via email or messenger (OR take the next step and pre-write your email follow ups and schedule them in your inbox)

My point is, your business doesn’t have to stop while you’re on vacation (unless you want it to) With a little pre-planning you can continue to gain leverage, communicate with your audience, and serve your clients.

fail to plan image

These are some tips that my productivity, project management structured brain have used and found to be effective.  

The point is, if you plan, you will succeed. If you don’t, you might succeed, but chances are it’s going to be a lot more difficult and a hell of a lot more stressful

Now go kick ass


Your Online Productivity Expert
& Online Project Manager

P.S… Are you looking to up level your biz but are not sure how to make it all work? Or manage the details so nothing gets missed?
Let me help!! Visit my site here and set up a time for us to talk about your vision! 

pinterest pin; how I plan for vacation as a business owner