Is Fear controlling your success?
It’s going to happen. Don’t ignore it. Embrace it, make space for it and master how to continue on your path. Master how to acknowledge your fear BUT not to allow it to control you or keep you from moving forward.
Attention: Automotive Friends.Vendors & Biz Owners…
So your work is busy and it’s chaotic.
You hear what I say about NOT running around like a crazy person and NOT working 100 hours a week and YOU THINK I’M FULL OF SHIT.
It’s okay. You can admit it.
Life is what YOU make it….
Your life is what YOU make it. This weekend I watched one of my high school friends marry the girl of his dreams <3 As I looked around the room at the people I spent my younger, crazier days with I couldn't help but reminisce. Our group was like the back road...
The answer
I am grateful for the FREEDOM. When it all comes down to it, that's what I’ve always been looking for. Freedom to be what I want. Freedom to do it when I want to. To say what I want, be who I want, spend what I want, go wherever I want and answer to no one....
Think for yourself
Think for yourself.... “At least once a day, allow yourself the freedom to think and dream for yourself” - Albert Einstein. I saw this quote this morning and it made me think back to a day where I never thought about ME. I never thought about myself, my desires,...
Don’t Let Anyone Dim Your Light
5 years ago I walked away from a life I never thought I’d be in.
This past weekend marks the anniversary of when I finally stood up and said Enough is Enough.
Screw Perfectionism
As women we have been told most of our life, by society or people close to us, that we are “not good enough” or “leave that to the boys”
I let the frustration take over yesterday…
I haven’t allowed myself to be consumed by such a useless emotion in a long time but electronic issues have always been something that frustrates the hell out of me. I guess because to a certain extent, it’s out of my control. (Side note, You know that...
Am I missing something???
That anxious feeling creeps in, “Am I missing something?” We’ve all had it….That feeling that even though we busted our asses all day, maybe we missed something…. Maybe we didn’t respond to that one client... Maybe we didn’t send that invoice… Did...
How to Plan for Vacation Entrepreneur Style
Planning when you’re the chick that never travels…..
Traveling is something I’ve always wanted to do, yet has been something that I have done very little of in my life. Other than 100 trips to the lake which is only couple of hours away from home, I can count on both hands how many vacations I’ve taken in my 28 years.
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber