by Jamie Thurber | Oct 6, 2021 | podcast
Liberation LIBERATION I’ve never used a podcast episode to talk about one of my latest creations before… I rarely do it inside of a blog post like this either. For whatever reason it didn’t feel right. Like I was cheating you out of something if I didn’t spend...
by Jamie Thurber | Aug 10, 2021 | Health, Life Hacks, podcast, Travel
I remember a time when I needed a week to get back on track anytime I stayed overnight somewhere other than my place. It always felt like something I had to recover from, or chase my tail to get back into the routine after. That shit is exhausting. And incredibly...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 27, 2021 | Health, Self Reflection, Who I Am
The layers to the words we speak and the thoughts we think are more complex than I think most of us can begin to comprehend, let alone explain. I know that over the years as I’ve increased my mindfulness, started paying closer attention, and chose to shift...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hey friend! About a year ago I started thinking about starting a podcast. I had been told for a while that it was the next step to get my message out there and my audience was consistently asking for it, so why wasn’t I making it happen? I...