I remember a time when I needed a week to get back on track anytime I stayed overnight somewhere other than my place. It always felt like something I had to recover from, or chase my tail to get back into the routine after. 

That shit is exhausting.

And incredibly unnecessary… which I didn’t find out until a few years ago. To be fully honest with you, I still have to stay on top of myself so I don’t slip into the old habit of letting it all go when I’m away. 

The fact is; it’s never worth it.

Honoring my own needs, my own rhythms was one of the best shifts I ever accepted. And it’s one that continues to provide me with such a beautiful result that I don’t know why I wouldn’t stick to it. 

Because you see, when your routines feel like rhythms instead of commands or discipline, everything shifts. My goal is to have everything feel as if the ripple effect is serving me, and the greater good.

Last week while sitting in my hotel room I was thinking about my clients and how many things that throw us all off our habits, the habits that keep us in line to be the best version of ourselves, feeling out bests, thinking our bests, performing our bests. And it was in the reflection of the cycles we put ourselves through that this latest episode of my podcast emerged. 

I hope you’ll give it a listen and pull whatever nuggets you feel called to in order to continue honoring yourself no matter where you are… And ways to be proactive to support your needs more daily.

True freedom requires these things ya know. 

Join me for the rest of this conversation in my latest podcast episode: click here

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Cut The Recovery