Be The Change

Be The Change

There is a ripple effect that we all have the ability to play a part in, if we choose to see it.    It’s not overwhelming. It’s not a big huge task oriented thing. It’s an agreement you make with you. And then keep making every day.    I’ve always...
75 Hard Challenge

75 Hard Challenge

I’ve contemplated doing this silently for a while. I’ve started it several times and barely made it a week without missing something on the list… but nobody knew so it was okay. Bullshit. I knew. I knew that I missed a mark and started over day after day. At...
Solid Foundation

Solid Foundation

This is why you create a solid foundation. At least it’s a visual reminder as to why.You create a solid foundation so that when life happens and you fall off the track for a bit, everything doesn’t go to shit. Real talk, my life took a super unexpected and...


“YOU DIDN’T JUST WANT ATTENTION! YOU WERE JUST BEING YOU!” I was having a conversation with a long time friend who’s on his own journey of self-reflection and growth. A friend who is learning to get real with himself and turn shit around in his life. After...