There is a ripple effect that we all have the ability to play a part in, if we choose to see it. 


It’s not overwhelming. It’s not a big huge task oriented thing. It’s an agreement you make with you. And then keep making every day. 


I’ve always believed in the statement “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. I believe that leading by example is the best and most effective way to lead. I believe that that committing to live of integrity is the way to impacting your our life and that of others. And I believe that we must learn to control what we can control. 

So, can one act of kindness from you really make a difference?

Can one smile or respectful action from one person shift something?




Will our one act change the planet in an instant?


I mean, obviously obsessing over the top of the mountain issues isn’t going to create a change. So what do we do? Watch and feel almost doomed and helpless? 


No. We learn to focus on what we can control and start there.


Change starts within you. Once you make a commitment to yourself to live only from a place of your own integrity. To love. To be compassionate. To be kind. To be passionate. To stop forcing anything on anyone. To lead by example. 


Be the change is something that is deeply embedded in my soul and in this episode I want to share with you what that means and how it’s impacted everything I do. Also, how you can start doing the same thing for yourself and reach a level of freedom in the process.


Listen to the podcast now:


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