by Jamie Thurber | Sep 1, 2021 | Get Shit Done, How It Is., Inspiration, Life Hacks, Who I Am
What happens when it all actually starts coming to fruition? Like the BIG parts of it all… all of the little things working out, or getting worked out along the way that were so in alignment and felt so right, so intentional, but also still like so many...
by Jamie Thurber | Aug 10, 2021 | Health, Life Hacks, podcast, Travel
I remember a time when I needed a week to get back on track anytime I stayed overnight somewhere other than my place. It always felt like something I had to recover from, or chase my tail to get back into the routine after. That shit is exhausting. And incredibly...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 27, 2021 | Health, Self Reflection, Who I Am
The layers to the words we speak and the thoughts we think are more complex than I think most of us can begin to comprehend, let alone explain. I know that over the years as I’ve increased my mindfulness, started paying closer attention, and chose to shift...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 26, 2021 | Health, Self Reflection, Who I Am
A couple weeks ago I caught myself saying, “Ya, I take really good care of myself.” And I felt everything inside of my body rejoice. So deeply, so profoundly that I’ve thought about it several times since. Why?Because it’s TRUE. Why?Because...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 20, 2021 | Inspiration
This is why our relationship works.This is why I’m so grateful to have a partner that understands business and values the commitment it takes to be an Entrepreneur. I took this photo on a Sunday afternoon. We spent the day shopping at one of our favorite stores and...