by Jamie Thurber | Sep 6, 2022 | How It Is., Self Reflection, Who I Am
WHAT MAC GETTING CANCER HAS TAUGHT ME I sometimes find myself touching his joints, hold my grip over the three legs he has left to see if he gives me any reaction or evidence of pain (a clear sign his cancer has spread). I occasionally am sitting with him like I am...
by Jamie Thurber | Dec 16, 2019 | Who I Am
9 years. 7 moves. 2 states. More boyfriends than I care to count. This little girl had been by my side through the roughest years of my life. There is no doubt that she was sent to me to help me get through them all. Zero doubt. She can be anywhere in the house and if...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 15, 2017 | Get Shit Done
I’m not a Mom to human babies so sometimes women are quick to tell me “You can’t help me fix my schedule, you just don’t understand”. And they are right, I do not have 2 legged children who can walk and talk and that I have to take with...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 14, 2017 | How It Is.
My dog had a major surgery last Friday (Mac, the big pitbull one). His rehab consists of him not walking, except short 5 minute leashed walks to potty a couple of times a day. So basically he has to sit still… all day… and night… for 4 weeks. Um,...