by Jamie Thurber | Sep 23, 2020 | Be the Change, Inspiration, podcast
There is a ripple effect that we all have the ability to play a part in, if we choose to see it. It’s not overwhelming. It’s not a big huge task oriented thing. It’s an agreement you make with you. And then keep making every day. I’ve always...
by Jamie Thurber | Sep 21, 2020 | Inspiration, Life Hacks
Do you only leave reviews when you’re unpleased? When something didn’t go your way or you feel like you were mistreated? It seems that there is a large group of people who only utilize the review option online when they are pissed and need to rip an...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 27, 2018 | Be the Change, Independent Woman, Who I Am
NEWSFLASH: You’re allowed to feel pretty and you’re allowed to share a photo of yourself that you like simply because you like it. It doesn’t have to meet anyone’s standards or fit within the guidelines of what anyone else thinks is...
by Jamie Thurber | Apr 14, 2018 | How It Is.
You’re working on yourself…maybe you’re building a brand or even a business…You want your purpose to reach everyone it can. You want to make an impact, right? Real talk, in the online space we all know that likes, comments, and shares are a big...
by Jamie Thurber | Apr 20, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is., Inspiration
If you’re one of those people who strut around with your chest puffed out proclaiming; “I don’t have a care in the world”. You’ll instantly lose my attention. What a cowardly thing to do, to just NOT care. Which is absolute bullshit, by...