Strong Woman

Strong Woman

Being a strong woman who sticks to her morals, her desires, and doesn’t tone down what makes her who she is, isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s difficult most of the time. Because most people don’t understand you. And most people try to make you...
I’m Not The Standard

I’m Not The Standard

Nothing I do makes sense, well I mean it doesn’t “mesh” or fit according to the standard “what makes a woman great” memo that the world has been handed. I tend to leave people scratching their heads, unsure what I just said or did. Unable to truly understand the...
Love You Forever

Love You Forever

Basically, when I love you once, a part of me loves you forever. It’s like a piece of my heart has a string that’s attached to yours. No matter where you go or what you’re doing, it’s attached. I used to think this was weird or wrong, like I was “hanging on to things”...