The Work Comes First

The Work Comes First

THE WORK COMES FIRST. Yes, you have freedom. Yes, you have balance. Yes, you run your own business, Yippee! But you guys… you don’t get to go enjoy them if you’re NOT DOING THE WORK, not if you want to keep them at least. The work must come first. I’m not saying it’s...
Every Thursday

Every Thursday

Did you know that every Thursday I host a live call for an amazing group of powerful women who are committed to creating the life they dream of? Did you know that every Thursday I go live in that group and BARE MY SOUL to them? I give them tips, ideas, challenges,...
Glamorous Life

Glamorous Life

Oh, the glamorous life of an Entrepreneur… Everyone wants to be one. It’s super cool. You can build a million dollar business in 90 days. Don’t you know? You see the ads, right? That must be real. Everyone likes to show you the highlight reel. They...