Be The Change

Be The Change

Sometimes I wonder if you’ve ever done to her what you did to me. When the doors are shut and there’s no one around and you have no one else to take your anger out on. Do you turn to her like you did to me? Then I think, if you haven’t…when will you? I mean,...
Start Choosing Love

Start Choosing Love

People die unexpectedly every day. People who were perfectly healthy yesterday drop dead with no warning. It makes me a little nauseous just thinking about it sometimes but it’s the truth. What if someone you thought you had more time with turns out to be one of...
The Brain…

The Brain…

The brain is an interesting thing. It’s funny how everything is good, You can be kicking ass all day long, accomplishing everything you set out to do, make awesome connections, have a killer work out, make big break through with clients, have a good hair day,...
You Don’t Get To Just Pick One

You Don’t Get To Just Pick One

Why is it much easier for people to implement the rule of “authenticity” into their business (or at least claim to) but they can’t seem to put that same sort of naked rawness into their personal relationships? Don’t you see the disconnect here?...
Back to Basics

Back to Basics

STOP OVER COMPLICATING SHIT. Seriously. Stop it. Now.You’re screwing yourself over with that nonsense. Yes, all things building a business takes work, A LOT of work in fact. And Yes, bettering yourself is a journey that also takes consistent work. BUT the thing is, it...