by Jamie Thurber | Apr 20, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is., Inspiration
If you’re one of those people who strut around with your chest puffed out proclaiming; “I don’t have a care in the world”. You’ll instantly lose my attention. What a cowardly thing to do, to just NOT care. Which is absolute bullshit, by...
by Jamie Thurber | Mar 16, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is., Independent Woman, Inspiration, Self Reflection, Who I Am
Almost 3 years ago I moved out of my boyfriend’s house. After living together for over a year and halfway into our second year together, he dropped a huge bomb on me. Something that would have ended most relationships. He told me that even though he has said he...
by Jamie Thurber | Feb 21, 2016 | How It Is., Inspiration, Self Reflection
Everything they told you about your late 20’s is true. Gravity will move your ass into a spot that you are NOT okay with. You’ll understand what people were talking about when they said “teacher arms” and totally get grossed out when you wave and feel your arm...
by Jamie Thurber | May 12, 2015 | How It Is., Life Hacks, Self Reflection
“I don’t just listen to your words. I watch your face. I stare into your eyes. I check out your body language. I peep your tone. I make note of your use of words. I hear what you don’t say. I interpret your silences. Most importantly…I...