My Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey

I will never forget this moment… as silly as it sounds, I gave this pic a double take after I took it and remember thinking to myself “whose body is that?!” I was so fucking proud. I’d worn that dress so many times, it is one of my “go...
My Goal is to GAIN

My Goal is to GAIN

Every time I weigh in at the gym and the number goes down, I get pissed. No one around me, except my trainer gets it. They all look at me like I’m crazy… Because apparently since I’m a woman, that must mean I only have goals to lose weight and be skinnier. Nope....
Look into your Eyes

Look into your Eyes

When was the last time you looked into your own eyes? Like really LOOKED…. We spend so much time looking outward for answers, looking around us for the solution. When the solution is inside of you. Looking yourself in the mirror isn’t always fun. I mean...
Multiple choice

Multiple choice

“The 10 commandments aren’t multiple choice”. I was driving down the street a couple days ago and saw that written on a sign in front of a church. I immediately thought, “That goes the same for Core 4”. It’s not a multiple choice...