by Jamie Thurber | Jun 15, 2021 | Self Reflection, Who I Am
Something I do every day like clock work is look at my history. The memories on Facebook are cool and I like to see them and be motivated by my own previous content but man, my history on Snapchat stories is where it’s at. 5 years ago, I decided to commit to...
by Jamie Thurber | Aug 5, 2020 | Self Reflection, Who I Am
Since I was, well as long as I can remember actually… these trees have been in my dreams, in my visions, and ultimately seem to be a part of my soul. Perhaps a part of a story I already lived or a part of one yet to come. My soul book will be written looking out...
by Jamie Thurber | Jan 8, 2020 | How It Is.
It’s in the moments. The moments between the noise. The moments right before you make a choice. The moments directly after. The moment you feel before you see. The moment you trust without seeing. The moments you know the truth. The moments you feel the...
by Jamie Thurber | Sep 23, 2019 | Be the Change, Self Reflection
This is why you create a solid foundation. At least it’s a visual reminder as to why.You create a solid foundation so that when life happens and you fall off the track for a bit, everything doesn’t go to shit. Real talk, my life took a super unexpected and...
by Jamie Thurber | May 21, 2019 | Independent Woman, Self Reflection, Who I Am
I am happy. In a totally different way than ever before. For very different reasons. In some of the same beautiful ways but more so, in brand new, exciting, mind shattering ways. And apparently THIS (pictured below) is the face of that happiness. It’s what...