Being Vulnerable

Being Vulnerable

Being vulnerable never gets easier, even when it becomes your active way of engaging. The thing that I find to be most challenging about vulnerability is letting go of the reaction others may have to it. It can be crushing to be vulnerable, to really put yourself out...
My Family

My Family

While driving home from my overly large family gathering on Christmas Eve I was filled with such joy, such knowing, and such belonging… a very rooted feeling. I started thinking about our history. About where my gigantic family started and about the amazing...
The Well vs. The Sink

The Well vs. The Sink

Do you ever have a moment when listening to or reading something where it’s like a bell goes off in your head that screams “THIS!”  “DO SOMETHING WITH THIS!!”? Maybe it’s something you’ve been thinking about or even talking about behind closed doors for a while...
I Don’t Know About You

I Don’t Know About You

I don’t know about you, but I am no longer in the business of talking people into loving me. I quit that a long time ago. I am also no longer in the business of expecting people to love the way I love, respect the way I respect, and honor their word the way I...
Universal Energy

Universal Energy

Sometimes, I don’t think I can take one more battle. Not one more blow. Not one more explosion. I stand there in the aftermath of what can only be described as the comet of universal energy doing what is necessary to take me to the other side of everything, to...