Why Our Relationship Works so Well

Why Our Relationship Works so Well

This is why our relationship works.This is why I’m so grateful to have a partner that understands business and values the commitment it takes to be an Entrepreneur. I took this photo on a Sunday afternoon. We spent the day shopping at one of our favorite stores and...
Don’t Assume You Know Shit About Shit

Don’t Assume You Know Shit About Shit

Once upon a time, I made a choice to not talk about my relationship publicly as I was starting to grow my business online and here’s why; Because I refused to use his name and status in this city as a means to get business. Yep. I knew that he had hundreds of...
Asking About Someone

Asking About Someone

Before you turn to someone else to ask about a person, think to yourself… have you actually reached out to that individual themselves to ask what you’re wondering about them? Have you asked them for an answer to your question? Have you checked in with them...
Asking For Help

Asking For Help

I’ve never been really good at asking for help. Even when I’m paying a Coach, it’s not been unheard of for them to have to remind me to reach out when I need an ear. Sometimes I’m really great at it and sometimes I’m not. It’s...