I am an American

I am an American

Once upon a time I was the girlfriend of a deployed Marine. It was him. And me. That’s all that mattered in that, to what now feels like such a brief moment in time. In my heart, I knew he needed me, and I fully intended to be there as much as I possibly could as a...
Fitness Bullshit…

Fitness Bullshit…

I used to bullshit about fitness every day. Everyday it was written in my planner. “GYM” “CARDIO” “YOGA” I put it on the list Every. Single. Day. And every single day, I skipped it. I hit snooze. I moved up a client call. I had to...
Even on my worst day I’m still killin’ it

Even on my worst day I’m still killin’ it

I realized today that I’m sick and damn tired of being lonely. Well, I didn’t JUST realize this today but it did just become completely clear that this is a reoccurring thing for me and quite frankly I’m sick of it. I could choose to get upset with friends or...