Creating Space and Keeping It

Creating Space and Keeping It

There’s a lot of buzz around clearing space these days and personally, I’m stoked about that. In a world that has idealized the act of being busy and hustle, it’s important that people are talking about the massive value of creating some space to live life according...
Let’s Talk About Pooping…

Let’s Talk About Pooping…

Okay, let’s talk about pooping. Yep, you read that right but it’s not what you think. I’m not going to talk to you about how your diet effects your bowel movements or try to tell you about the latest cleanse. What I’m wanting to talk about is the amount of time people...


We love chaos. Point blank. End of story. We’ve been taught that running around crazy means you’re busy. Busy means you’re successful. Successful means that you have so much going on that chaos is a given. Sounds about right, doesn’t it? Just because...