Want Unlimited Inspiration?

Want Unlimited Inspiration?

Be your own motivation. I feel like it’s far too rare that we acknowledge our own successes, our own strengths, our own magic, our own glow, our own beauty, our own purpose. We look outside of ourselves for too much. We’re always searching for answers, for...


Something I do every day like clock work is look at my history. The memories on Facebook are cool and I like to see them and be motivated by my own previous content but man, my history on Snapchat stories is where it’s at. 5 years ago, I decided to commit to...
Productive Living

Productive Living

Advice: “Keep getting more clear and more concise with the way your plan flows.” Sounds easy right? Finding the plan that works best for you is a PROCESS, my friend. It’s not a “one size fits all” kind of thing. We’re all different, we all have different personality...
Whole Picture

Whole Picture

What if I told you I can give you ass pats and high fives AND hold you to a high standard of accountability?  Did you know that both of these things are possible to give and/or receive within the same conversation?  Crazy right?  I’m obviously...
My Most Important Tool

My Most Important Tool

As you know, I’m all about getting shit done and maximizing your performance. Yes, we can talk about strategies and plans and procedures to get you there. BUT here’s the thing, one of the MOST IMPORTANT things you can do to be a high performer and an overall HAPPIER...