by Jamie Thurber | May 1, 2019 | Inspiration
Time is something I’ve made a living out of “creating” more of. Or actually just showing people how changing their mindset and purpose behind things can seemingly create more time in their worlds for the things that they actually want to do. It’s almost like bending...
by Jamie Thurber | Apr 23, 2019 | Get Shit Done, Productivity Hacks
Okay, let’s talk about pooping. Yep, you read that right but it’s not what you think. I’m not going to talk to you about how your diet effects your bowel movements or try to tell you about the latest cleanse. What I’m wanting to talk about is the amount of time people...
by Jamie Thurber | Apr 15, 2019 | Who I Am
First picture, I’m standing at 128 lbs and feeling excellent. I hadn’t been lifting consistency but my nutrition was pretty solid. Second picture, I’m down 11 lbs… Most of which was probably muscle but that’s just an assumption. This loss...
by Jamie Thurber | Apr 10, 2019 | Inspiration
“I choose you”. A friend and I were having a conversation today and this came up and it instantly became so apparent to me that people do not put enough emphasis on that statement. Sure we love each other and that’s great and it can be powerful but...
by Jamie Thurber | Apr 2, 2019 | Who I Am
It was recently brought to my attention that I make all of this look really “easy”. Ya know, this intentional living thing. Which I was honestly taken aback by because it’s not easy at all, not even a little bit. And I feel like I show all sides of the spectrum but I...