by Jamie Thurber | Oct 29, 2020 | How It Is.
“A woman who continues to shatter the stigma of something that tries it’s damnedest to hold you back but will never succeed.” I ran across these words today. Words that a precious client and fellow boss lady who has a chronic illness said about me during an interview...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 11, 2019 | Inspiration, Life Hacks
When you’ve been silently winning battles and totally transforming yourself knowing in your bones that everything is playing out the way it’s supposed to… even in those moments where all you want to do is to have it RIGHT NOW and it’s really...
by Jamie Thurber | Feb 28, 2019 | Inspiration, Life Hacks, Self Reflection
The heat kicks on in this house and it’s like you turned on a white noise machine. Chandler hates it because it means he has to turn up the TV to hear his shows, but I actually find it super comforting, especially in the morning before anyone else is awake. It’s like...
by Jamie Thurber | Mar 27, 2018 | Get Shit Done
We love chaos. Point blank. End of story. We’ve been taught that running around crazy means you’re busy. Busy means you’re successful. Successful means that you have so much going on that chaos is a given. Sounds about right, doesn’t it? Just because...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 21, 2017 | Get Shit Done, Productivity Hacks
THE WORK COMES FIRST. Yes, you have freedom. Yes, you have balance. Yes, you run your own business, Yippee! But you guys… you don’t get to go enjoy them if you’re NOT DOING THE WORK, not if you want to keep them at least. The work must come first. I’m not saying it’s...