by Jamie Thurber | Dec 29, 2017 | Self Reflection
For those of you who have been following me for a while… You know that I’m constantly doing things. I made the commitment a couple years ago to dive head first into this entrepreneurial world. It’s been enlightening. It’s been scary. It’s been...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 15, 2017 | Get Shit Done
I’m not a Mom to human babies so sometimes women are quick to tell me “You can’t help me fix my schedule, you just don’t understand”. And they are right, I do not have 2 legged children who can walk and talk and that I have to take with...
by Jamie Thurber | Sep 15, 2017 | How It Is., Life Hacks
PEOPLE LOVE DRAMA. Chances are, you’re creating your own right now. Here’s the deal… our brain is pretty amazing. It has a way of knowing what we need and when we need it. We obviously CAN choose to follow instinct or make a different choice. But instinctually,...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 20, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is.
YOU ARE WASTING SO MUCH TIME. Yes, YOU. Your time = money. Your time = energy. Time you could be spending making money. Time you could spend working on yourself. Time you could spend doing something you love. Time you could spend making memories with your kids. Time...