by Jamie Thurber | Jul 16, 2019 | Be the Change
Behavioral patterns will always speak louder than anything you ever have to say. It’s more than the action being louder than the words… it’s the collection of actions or reactions to the same or similar situations time after time that tell us what we...
by Jamie Thurber | Jun 11, 2019 | Be the Change, Inspiration, Self Reflection
This weekend marks 8 years since I finally walked away (Originally written May 25). Man, sometimes it feels like 15 and other times it feels like it was an entirely different lifetime altogether. For years I would never admit this part to anyone that wasn’t...
by Jamie Thurber | Oct 21, 2018 | Be the Change, Life Hacks
You can be sexy AND smart AND interesting AND sought after without being a chameleon. I watch so many women mold to what they “think” a guy wants them to be and it kills me that people think this is the way to find happiness. Ladies— I hate to break it to you...
by Jamie Thurber | Aug 24, 2017 | Self Reflection
Patterns. They’re a tricky thing…Something we do each time a certain situation presents itself in our lives. Something that is our “normal” reaction. But not like shivering when you’re cold kind of reaction, like drastic, sometimes life altering reactions that...