Don’t Assume You Know Shit About Shit

Don’t Assume You Know Shit About Shit

Once upon a time, I made a choice to not talk about my relationship publicly as I was starting to grow my business online and here’s why; Because I refused to use his name and status in this city as a means to get business. Yep. I knew that he had hundreds of...


3 weeks after investing, she made more than enough to cover the cost of my coaching. She was a single mom, running her own business, going through a very difficult divorce, and she had this massive idea. This idea she couldn’t ignore anymore. It was almost Christmas...
Time Alone

Time Alone

The past few years I’ve spent the majority of my time alone. A lot of it by choice, a lot of it simply because I refuse to “fill” my space just for the sake of filling it. The past few summers it feels like I’m either spending the weekends traveling,...