by Jamie Thurber | Jan 4, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is.
2016 was about Conquering and Discovery. 2017 is about Shining and Consistency. To me, shining means staying centered in me, in my purpose and my message. Shining means following my instincts, sharing my story, sharing my wins, sharing my struggles, sharing...
by Jamie Thurber | Dec 31, 2016 | Be the Change, How It Is., Inspiration
All I’ve seen over the past week is people talking about how terrible 2016 was to them… here on my thoughts on that; I’m sure some bad shit happened to you in 2016, but what about the good shit? Are you so far removed from the present that you...
by Jamie Thurber | Dec 31, 2016 | Health, Productivity Hacks
A good coach picks you…not the other way around. A good coach doesn’t just jump into a deal with you just because youre ready to pay them. They don’t take your money before seeing if you’re a good fit. A good coach is picky about who they...