The Decision

The Decision

The decision. The one made with no clue how it will actually come to life, no idea how it’s going to be delivered, or when and still, you decide. Just the belief that it will be. The utter certainty that it will, in fact be your reality. Actually, it already is....
Intentional Living

Intentional Living

It was recently brought to my attention that I make all of this look really “easy”. Ya know, this intentional living thing. Which I was honestly taken aback by because it’s not easy at all, not even a little bit. And I feel like I show all sides of the spectrum but I...
Intuitive Knowing

Intuitive Knowing

Wow. My life is weird…. and I freaking love it. So I was just looking at the training schedule for my Incubator course that’s currently running (that 3 month pod group I launched a couple months ago) and seeing how the calls will fit around my moving date...