Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

MERCURY RETROGRADE Maybe it’s something that you see people posting about from time to time and you’re not really sure what they’re talking about. Or maybe it’s something you fear and it puts you into a freeze pattern while it’s happening. Or maybe you’re like me and...
Your World – Your Rules

Your World – Your Rules

Sometimes it stings when we notice the people who only clap for us behind closed doors but always publicly support so many others. But please trust me when I tell you that has nothing at all to do with you! Even though I know it probably makes you question it from...
Take Care

Take Care

A couple weeks ago I caught myself saying, “Ya, I take really good care of myself.” And I felt everything inside of my body rejoice. So deeply, so profoundly that I’ve thought about it several times since. Why?Because it’s TRUE. Why?Because...
You Are Not An Island

You Are Not An Island

Sometimes I feel like things are just swirling around me. Like there’s no place for it to land. Like there is always a judgement or agendas attached to it all. Or more like I’m combating that and working to debunk them all as they arise. You may have heard me...