Business Women

Business Women

Business women are starting to look a lot different than what you’re used to. We wear yoga pants and comfy shoes to the airport. We come equipped with nice handbags and you’ll never catch us without a power pack for our devices. Yes, we’re always on...
Shine The Light

Shine The Light

Sometimes it really hurts when the people around you don’t grow with you. It can hurt your heart to hear that someone is stuck in a place of pain or resentment or unable to open themselves enough to move forward. People change. I used to think that line was bullshit....
The King Eats First

The King Eats First

Lately, every morning I have to remind myself that The King Eats First. I’ve spent the majority of my life pleasing others. I have always been the rebellious one, but on the flip side I am the nurturer, the caregiver, the mama bear to everyone. By nature, I want to...