My Family

My Family

While driving home from my overly large family gathering on Christmas Eve I was filled with such joy, such knowing, and such belonging… a very rooted feeling. I started thinking about our history. About where my gigantic family started and about the amazing...
Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect

ā€œIā€™m so happy for you! So many good things are happening in your life right now!ā€ Last week, I was given this message three times in less than two days and honestly, I was a little taken back by it. They were right, things are starting to fall in place for me in all...
Are You Existing? Or Are You Living?

Are You Existing? Or Are You Living?

“Stop existing and Start living”. I just saw this and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Think about that for a minute… Are you existing? Or Are you living? EXISTING would probably go something like this: dreading waking up each morning, rushing...
Your Message

Your Message

Your message isn’t what you “think” people want to hear. That fabricated message will do one of two things: -Fall on deaf ears because there is a large group of people who see through bull shit. OR -Cause you to have to put all of your energy into...