by Jamie Thurber | Aug 8, 2018 | Be the Change, Independent Woman, Life Hacks
You are your worst critic. You can work to flip it but it will still creep in. You just can’t let it stop you. We are all hard on ourselves…it happens… And if you have an entrepreneurial brain, you know it happens daily. We are wired to never be...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 6, 2018 | Inspiration, Life Hacks
We all want someone to be “all about us”, right? To think we’re great. Watch our stories, read our posts, like our photos, watch our videos, and then talk to us in the background…you know in real life… and actually CARE what is happening in our worlds, in...
by Jamie Thurber | Jan 10, 2018 | How It Is.
I was 17 the first time I started running the office of a business. I remember getting the phone call from my boyfriend at the time who had found himself sitting in a pile of paperwork at year-end, saying… “I need some help.” He was a few years older than me and had...
by Jamie Thurber | Dec 8, 2017 | Get Shit Done, Inspiration, Life Hacks
I get asked a lot “How do you stay so motivated?” Well the truth is, I don’t. Motivation has nothing to do with it. I don’t wake up everyday motivated to work my ass off. I don’t want to do all the things on my list, hit the gym, and eat the veggies instead of the...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 1, 2017 | How It Is.
The brain is an interesting thing. It’s funny how everything is good, You can be kicking ass all day long, accomplishing everything you set out to do, make awesome connections, have a killer work out, make big break through with clients, have a good hair day,...