by Jamie Thurber | Dec 30, 2020 | How It Is.
A while back I got a suggestion to record something talking about my biggest “ah-ha moment” and as I thought about it, a bunch of things popped into my head. As I was revisiting it one stuck out more than the others. Honestly, this has been a moment that birthed...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 23, 2020 | How It Is., Productivity Hacks, Who I Am
We all get frazzled sometimes, overwhelmed. Sometimes all of those plates you have spinning in the air can feel pretty damn daunting. And sometimes the responsibility of all of that and your purpose can feel heavy. THAT’S OKAY. You’re human.Humans have...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 3, 2020 | Life Hacks
What to do when people are shitty…. I was in the shower pondering on the way different people approach different situations and I thought about that question; What do you do when people are shitty to you? Well, I feel like we all may have a go-to...
by Jamie Thurber | Oct 27, 2020 | How It Is.
Do you ever have those moments where someone says something to you, or about you and it TOTALLY catches you off guard? Like in a good way, though. In a way that makes you sit back in your chair and go “WOW”… and your heart feels like it might...
by Jamie Thurber | Oct 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
I was finishing a book the other day and it promoted this insane overwhelming feeling of gratitude. One small statement caused me to go into deep thought about intentional living and why it works. The statement: “This is why we practice” Mindfulness...