Fun Fact!

Fun Fact!

Fun fact… I’ve watched watched every BBC nature documentary over 30 times. I have been watching them for years. As a result I know a very large amount of strange facts about this planet and the creatures, mountains, seas, rivers, plains, sky, etc. I guess...
My Latest Creation!

My Latest Creation!

IT’S HERE!!! My latest creation has come to life and is ready to go! Honestly, I’m super nervous to share this with you guys. It’s something that I’ve been practicing for years, a part of the way I teach my private clients, and something I talk about all of the time…...


3 weeks after investing, she made more than enough to cover the cost of my coaching. She was a single mom, running her own business, going through a very difficult divorce, and she had this massive idea. This idea she couldn’t ignore anymore. It was almost Christmas...