What To Do When People Are Shitty

What To Do When People Are Shitty

What to do when people are shitty….   I was in the shower pondering on the way different people approach different situations and I thought about that question; What do you do when people are shitty to you?   Well, I feel like we all may have a go-to...
My Heart Might Have Just Exploded

My Heart Might Have Just Exploded

Do you ever have those moments where someone says something to you, or about you and it TOTALLY catches you off guard? Like in a good way, though. In a way that makes you sit back in your chair and go “WOW”… and your heart feels like it might...
Be Willing To Bite

Be Willing To Bite

I pull a card from my beautiful friend Jayme Hanna’s deck and this was the message for me. Be willing to bite. As I drove home I pondered all of the ways that statement of encouragement rang true in my world right now. Several days later, the thoughts are still...
Investing in Yourself

Investing in Yourself

13 coaches hired and close to $90,000 spent. Business, Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition, Life, & Energy Coaches. Intuitive healers. Energy readings. Personal Trainers. Money Mindset sessions. Meditation training. I started investing in coaching before I was making...