by Jamie Thurber | Jan 18, 2016 | How It Is., Inspiration
Hey, I know a company that’s hiring and you would be PERFECT for the position! ^^^ How many of you have received this call from a friend, family member, or old colleague? How do you respond? My expertise in the field I was in prior to becoming a full time lady...
by Jamie Thurber | May 5, 2015 | How It Is., Independent Woman, Inspiration
Independent woman; the concept is often misconstrued and even more often misrepresented. Independent women come in all shapes and sizes with various different traits that help to define them as being truly ‘independent’. But one thing I think that most of...
by Jamie Thurber | Mar 24, 2015 | How It Is., Who I Am
And then sometimes, you stop what you’re doing and rewind a show 3 times to hear what you think you heard. something that sounded exactly like a conversation you’ve had with your girl friends… things you’ve thought in your own mind on more than...
by Jamie Thurber | Feb 12, 2013 | Who I Am
This is my first post. I made this blog in December… talk about procrastination. ya.. its an issue for me.. I’m trying to work through it. Ha! Well, I can not promise that this blog is always going to be the most ‘politically correct’ or well...