by Jamie Thurber | Dec 9, 2016 | Get Shit Done, Who I Am
This is how I spent my day… Sitting fireside soaking up the ambiance of this beautiful fire and getting some major hustle on. While I spent the day writing, working on client projects, and writing out strategy for the next 60 days…. I was actually getting...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 28, 2016 | Get Shit Done, How It Is., Productivity Hacks
“Hiring a personal assistant? Great that means you’re going to have so much more free time! “ I just kind of sat there staring as I heard that statement.. I’m pretty sure I even tilted my head a little like a dog does when you ask them if they want to go outside. I...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 16, 2016 | Be the Change, Health, How It Is., Independent Woman, Inspiration
Learning to be SELFISH has changed everything in my life. Yes, you read that right… SELFISH. I spent the majority of my life always saying “YES”. Always feeling obligated to attend everything I was invited to Always moving around my own schedule around to better...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 14, 2016 | Health, Inspiration, Self Reflection
I used to bullshit about fitness every day. Everyday it was written in my planner. “GYM” “CARDIO” “YOGA” I put it on the list Every. Single. Day. And every single day, I skipped it. I hit snooze. I moved up a client call. I had to...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 8, 2016 | Get Shit Done, Productivity Hacks
So you’re schedule SUCKS You haven’t had time to enjoy your summer yet You’re always scrambling to find enough time for EVERYTHING You feel guilty when you have to sacrifice family time for work. You feel guilty when you have to sacrifice work time...