by Jamie Thurber | Oct 15, 2019 | Inspiration, Life Hacks
Ya know what’s fun? Being happy. Choosing joy. Even when darkness creeps in, choosing not to let it stay. Honoring it, looking at it, but letting it go and doing whatever it takes to choose happy again. Happiness truly is a choice. One you get to make every...
by Jamie Thurber | Oct 2, 2019 | How It Is., Inspiration
“Forget her looks. How about her insane work ethic? Her unstoppable ambition? And her ridiculously dope soul?” Ladies, having a pretty face is just a bonus. Having a body that you feel good about helps and being healthy should be a priority. But having an...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 17, 2019 | Self Reflection
“What do you do for fun?” To be honest, that question always throws me. I know it’s one of the go-to’s when people are trying to get to know someone or reconnecting with a lost friend or acquaintance but it’s a question that I tend to normally cringe at. Maybe it’s...
by Jamie Thurber | Aug 31, 2018 | Health, Independent Woman
My favorite question (Well, one of them): Q: What are you training for? A: Life. I’m training for life. Because I refuse to be in crippling pain all day every day. Because I refuse to be unhappy in my own body. Because I refuse to be afraid to take my shirt off...
by Jamie Thurber | Jun 26, 2018 | Inspiration
13 coaches hired and close to $90,000 spent. Business, Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition, Life, & Energy Coaches. Intuitive healers. Energy readings. Personal Trainers. Money Mindset sessions. Meditation training. I started investing in coaching before I was making...