What If You Just Did It Anyway?

What If You Just Did It Anyway?

So many people ask me how I get motivated to write, or go to the gym, or do my work even though I really don’t have anyone to answer to but myself. And the answer is, I’m not always motivated. I don’t always want to. It’s not always convenient...


“You are such an amazing example of a fierce, gentle leader”. I received that comment in a message the other day and I am so in love with that statement. You see, a few years ago I made a massive commitment to myself that I would never be fake. That I...


Guys… she doesn’t know unless you tell her. That thing you wish she would do or the fact that it makes you sad if she leaves the house and doesn’t kiss you, she doesn’t know. Open up your mouth and tell her. Say the words. Because I promise...
Be The Change

Be The Change

Sometimes I wonder if you’ve ever done to her what you did to me. When the doors are shut and there’s no one around and you have no one else to take your anger out on. Do you turn to her like you did to me? Then I think, if you haven’t…when will you? I mean,...
Get Clear

Get Clear

This picture was taken almost 4 years ago, which seems insane when I really think about it. But I remember when I first posted it. I was so proud. This shoot was so very well planned and every shot was thought out. Believe it or not, a lot of these poses aren’t...