Patience Has Nothing To Do With It

Patience Has Nothing To Do With It

I went to catch up with a friend this morning, we met outside of the restaurant and I yelled my normal, “WHAT’S UPPPP!” greeting across the lot. As we were walking in, he replied “Well apparently EVERYTHING. You have a lot to tell me, huh?” “Yep. All of the things are...


Today was full. It was a lot. My brain feels a little mushy right now, to be honest, but I also feel extremely grateful. I decided to hibernate this week. I decreased my social media use by 90%. I have turned my phone off most of the day each day. I pushed back my...
What If You Just Did It Anyway?

What If You Just Did It Anyway?

So many people ask me how I get motivated to write, or go to the gym, or do my work even though I really don’t have anyone to answer to but myself. And the answer is, I’m not always motivated. I don’t always want to. It’s not always convenient...