You Are Not An Island

You Are Not An Island

You are not an island. Feeling that way is a choice. A choice that is ultimately yours to make but in the grand scheme of things isn’t going to get you anywhere… besides digging yourself deeper into your own hole. Open your eyes, I bet there is someone...


SURRENDER. It’s something that was brought to my attention about a year ago. Let go of the “how”. Quit constantly looking for the thing that you’re looking for and instead focus inward, have faith that the universe has your back and be open to receive. Easy peasy...
Asking For Help

Asking For Help

I’ve never been really good at asking for help. Even when I’m paying a Coach, it’s not been unheard of for them to have to remind me to reach out when I need an ear. Sometimes I’m really great at it and sometimes I’m not. It’s...


Happiness is a choice. I say that a lot and people who battle depression and/or anxiety tell me I’m wrong. That the choice of happiness is out of their control. Being someone who deals with anxiety, I understand how much more difficult it is to flip your mindset...