The Biggest Hurdle

The Biggest Hurdle

You might know this already but l speak from experience when I say that a reminder is needed frequently. Stress is possibly the biggest hurdle you’re facing right now and you don’t even realize it… because it’s become so “normal”....
Are You Overworked?

Are You Overworked?

About 4 years ago I realized that this was not the way. Busy as a badge of honor is one of the most ass-backwards things you could do. Here’s the deal. I’m an over-worker by nature. I have to actively keep myself balanced or I will work unnecessarily long...


When your team becomes your family.  It’s been such an interesting ride in building a virtual business these past 6 years. I remember when the thought of working with a coach or subcontractor that I’d never met before felt so foreign, or temporary. Looking back I...
Break Yourself Free

Break Yourself Free

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. -Lao Tzo I learned a few years ago that the moment I stopped trying to “force” anything with anyone else and focused on mastering myself and only myself that everything… shifted. And I...