My Family

My Family

While driving home from my overly large family gathering on Christmas Eve I was filled with such joy, such knowing, and such belonging… a very rooted feeling. I started thinking about our history. About where my gigantic family started and about the amazing...
Fun Fact!

Fun Fact!

Fun fact… I’ve watched watched every BBC nature documentary over 30 times. I have been watching them for years. As a result I know a very large amount of strange facts about this planet and the creatures, mountains, seas, rivers, plains, sky, etc. I guess...
What took so long? (Podcast story…)

What took so long? (Podcast story…)

Hey friend!    About a year ago I started thinking about starting a podcast. I had been told for a while that it was the next step to get my message out there and my audience was consistently asking for it, so why wasn’t I making it happen?    I...
Romance Your Creativity

Romance Your Creativity

“Romance your creativity”. I remember the first time I heard this concept several years ago. I was reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert for the first time (yes, I’ve read/listened to that book well over 30 times. If you haven’t read it, I...