by Jamie Thurber | Dec 29, 2017 | Self Reflection
For those of you who have been following me for a while… You know that I’m constantly doing things. I made the commitment a couple years ago to dive head first into this entrepreneurial world. It’s been enlightening. It’s been scary. It’s been...
by Jamie Thurber | Aug 13, 2017 | Self Reflection
Recently I was journaling and reflecting on how a year ago I started a layer. And a year before that I started a different layer. And the year before that… etc. FOUR YEARS AGO I STARTED. Four years ago, while sitting on an airplane with a crushed hand, on the...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 5, 2017 | Life Hacks, Self Reflection
Sometimes our eyes are opened for us. Sometimes we’re put into a situation, unexpectedly that changes our perspective and shifts our focus for a moment. It reminds us of something we wanted, or loved or felt. Maybe it’s something we pushed down, something we...
by Jamie Thurber | Mar 16, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is., Independent Woman, Inspiration, Self Reflection, Who I Am
Almost 3 years ago I moved out of my boyfriend’s house. After living together for over a year and halfway into our second year together, he dropped a huge bomb on me. Something that would have ended most relationships. He told me that even though he has said he...
by Jamie Thurber | Jan 6, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is., Inspiration
Growth is a never ending process. Just because you start seeing results, doesn’t mean you’ve “made it” or can back off from the work you’ve been doing everyday to get to those results. The growth only continues if you do. It only keeps...