

You may have heard me talk about how daydreaming is a large part of my daily ritual. Yep, daydreaming. That’s the term I enjoy, it’s what feels lovely to me. When I sit in my quiet space in the morning I let my mind wander for a while. Sometimes I look...
My Family

My Family

While driving home from my overly large family gathering on Christmas Eve I was filled with such joy, such knowing, and such belonging… a very rooted feeling. I started thinking about our history. About where my gigantic family started and about the amazing...
Intoxicating Energy

Intoxicating Energy

My friend Samantha has been trying to tell me for a while now that I’m glowing, that my energy is intoxicating, and I just thought she was being sweet. I mean, I know she loves me so she has to say that, right? Well, a few weeks ago I started hearing similar...


“I am grateful for the courage to fully feel my feelings and to keep being vulnerable through it all.” I was writing this morning and that came up. For most of my life I never let myself be vulnerable. I never truly felt my feelings. I hid them in a busy...
Sometimes I Am Sad

Sometimes I Am Sad

Truth is, sometimes I can have the best day ever and still be sad at the end of it all. Now before you jump to conclusions or start to type out something trying to “make me feel better”, keep reading because that is not at all my point here. I’m...