by Jamie Thurber | Jan 10, 2018 | How It Is.
I was 17 the first time I started running the office of a business. I remember getting the phone call from my boyfriend at the time who had found himself sitting in a pile of paperwork at year-end, saying… “I need some help.” He was a few years older than me and had...
by Jamie Thurber | Jan 5, 2018 | Be the Change, Inspiration
I often think to myself, “Why must we make things so complicated?” While yes, this is the case when it comes to business and planning and execution more often than not, we also do the same thing when it comes to our personal lives. We make everything so damn...
by Jamie Thurber | Oct 6, 2017 | Independent Woman, Inspiration, Self Reflection, Who I Am
I’m going to be 30 in a few days. 30 years old, it’s hard to believe. It feels like these past 10 years have flown by. To be honest with you, I’ve always felt older. I’ve always been one of the youngest people in every room most of my adult life. So NO, I’m not...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 24, 2017 | Be the Change, Independent Woman, Inspiration, Who I Am
OWN WHAT’S ATTRACTIVE TO YOU AND DON’T FEEL BAD ABOUT IT. Real talk: I have no space for people who don’t follow through. Like… I just can’t. I don’t understand the concept or how there are so many people who just don’t do things and are just totally okay with...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 21, 2017 | Get Shit Done, Productivity Hacks
THE WORK COMES FIRST. Yes, you have freedom. Yes, you have balance. Yes, you run your own business, Yippee! But you guys… you don’t get to go enjoy them if you’re NOT DOING THE WORK, not if you want to keep them at least. The work must come first. I’m not saying it’s...