by Jamie Thurber | Oct 6, 2021 | podcast
Liberation LIBERATION I’ve never used a podcast episode to talk about one of my latest creations before… I rarely do it inside of a blog post like this either. For whatever reason it didn’t feel right. Like I was cheating you out of something if I didn’t spend...
by Jamie Thurber | Feb 23, 2021 | Get Shit Done, Life Hacks, podcast, Productivity Hacks
When your team becomes your family. It’s been such an interesting ride in building a virtual business these past 6 years. I remember when the thought of working with a coach or subcontractor that I’d never met before felt so foreign, or temporary. Looking back I...
by Jamie Thurber | May 23, 2019 | Get Shit Done, Productivity Hacks
“Jamie, you live alone and your clients are virtual… why do you pay for an office space??” Well, “because I can” is my initial response to that question. BUT I’ll give you a little more insight on how this choice helps me and could...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 20, 2018 | Be the Change, Health, Independent Woman, Inspiration, Self Reflection
Be willing to do the inner work, the deep healing work. I mean looking under every rock, under every excuse you’ve ever made, under every lie you’ve ever told, under every pattern you’ve ever repeated, on every ounce of self-doubt or fear or negative...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 21, 2017 | Get Shit Done, Productivity Hacks
THE WORK COMES FIRST. Yes, you have freedom. Yes, you have balance. Yes, you run your own business, Yippee! But you guys… you don’t get to go enjoy them if you’re NOT DOING THE WORK, not if you want to keep them at least. The work must come first. I’m not saying it’s...