What We Should Focus On

What We Should Focus On

“Forget her looks. How about her insane work ethic? Her unstoppable ambition? And her ridiculously dope soul?” Ladies, having a pretty face is just a bonus. Having a body that you feel good about helps and being healthy should be a priority. But having an...


SURRENDER. It’s something that was brought to my attention about a year ago. Let go of the “how”. Quit constantly looking for the thing that you’re looking for and instead focus inward, have faith that the universe has your back and be open to receive. Easy peasy...


Real talk: these past two weeks have been a whirlwind. One moment it feels like it’s been forever and the next moment it feels like it’s just been a day. The month of May is typically a very full month for me, so I came into it expecting this but this...
Sow Now What You Want to Harvest Later

Sow Now What You Want to Harvest Later

Accomplishing what you want in life is a bit of a balancing act. You balance between focusing on the task at hand (the “seed”) or planting today right now in this exact moment and keeping your eye on the end result, keeping your eye on the harvest, on the...