Want Unlimited Inspiration?

Want Unlimited Inspiration?

Be your own motivation. I feel like it’s far too rare that we acknowledge our own successes, our own strengths, our own magic, our own glow, our own beauty, our own purpose. We look outside of ourselves for too much. We’re always searching for answers, for...


Something I do every day like clock work is look at my history. The memories on Facebook are cool and I like to see them and be motivated by my own previous content but man, my history on Snapchat stories is where it’s at. 5 years ago, I decided to commit to...
Energy Exchange

Energy Exchange

More and more frequently I’ve found myself in conversations with various people from all different walks of life about things they’re noticing make them feel overly drained or zoned out.   One of my friends said “I always feel like I’m more dumb and a...
Overspent Energy

Overspent Energy

**Originally Published January 24th, 2020** I overspent my energy this week. It doesn’t mean I overbooked or was too “busy” because that is actually a very different thing. A while back my therapist told me about how she plans her week, which of course being the...
All About You

All About You

We all want someone to be “all about us”, right? To think we’re great. Watch our stories, read our posts, like our photos, watch our videos, and then talk to us in the background…you know in real life… and actually CARE what is happening in our worlds, in...