by Jamie Thurber | Dec 3, 2018 | Get Shit Done, Productivity Hacks, Who I Am
“HOW MUCH MORE MONEY I COULD HAVE MADE IN MY ALREADY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS IF I HAD KNOWN HOW MUCH MORE MONEY CREATING PEACE IN YOUR LIFE GENERATES?” —- I first hired Jamie almost a year ago. I talk often about the shifts she’s helped me make in my...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 28, 2018 | How It Is.
I was reading an article this morning about fear… and honestly, fear is something I spend a lot of time paying attention to when it pops up because it has so much to tell us if we’re willing to listen. So, this morning I decided to extend my morning practice into some...
by Jamie Thurber | Jan 21, 2018 | Be the Change, Inspiration, Self Reflection, Who I Am
“But Jamie, you don’t know what it’s like!” Really? I don’t know what it’s like to be broke and not have enough money to pay rent, let alone figure out if I had enough gas to get me to work until payday? Yes. I know that reality all too well. So, quit being so damn...
by Jamie Thurber | Aug 13, 2017 | Self Reflection
Recently I was journaling and reflecting on how a year ago I started a layer. And a year before that I started a different layer. And the year before that… etc. FOUR YEARS AGO I STARTED. Four years ago, while sitting on an airplane with a crushed hand, on the...
by Jamie Thurber | Jul 17, 2017 | Get Shit Done, Inspiration
Are you open and ready to receive the things that you keep saying you want? Think about that for a minute… Are you ready? Do you actually believe that it’s possible? Or do you just keep talking about it like it “might” happen? Or maybe you’ll finally get what you’re...